Cherokee Tears
I once Bag, at least 100 Cherokee tears per bag. This corn beads have a very soft center, easy to string them, simple to work with. For necklaces, beadwork, arts and crafts
In 1830, the Indian removal act was signed into law by the US Government. In the year 1838 the Cherokee people were forced out their homeland. They walked over 1,200 miles of rugged terrain, and inclement weather. About 5,000 Cherokee Indians died during this journey, including, women and children.
As they cried for their people who were dying on the way, their tears fell on the ground. It is said that everywhere a tear fell, a plant grew. This plant looks like corn stalk and the seed that grows in the middle of the stalk is actually shaped like a tear.
Corn beads, Cherokee tears, still grew along this land called The Trail of Tears.